June 20, 2001
To whom it may concern:
When I accepted a new job and was suddenly faced with the prospect of selling my home and moving, I briefly considered trying to sell without using a real estate agent. What a mistake that would have been!
As is probably true for most homeowners, my two biggest concerns were the speed of the sale and price. Bruce Peters listened to my concerns and responded. He listed the property when I was ready and within days, I had offers to consider. That’s when Bruce’s skills were really called into action. Negotiations continued throughout the first day, with final refinements taking place on the second day. But when it was over, I had a sales contract for my house that was far better than I could have imagined. Not only did Bruce negotiate a final price that was above my asking price, he also made sure the contract was a solid and clean as possible.
Selling a home has the potential to be a very stressful experience. Working with Bruce Peters relieved much of the pressure on me. He was available when I needed him and was willing to meet with me at my convenience. He listened to my concerns and kept me well-informed on the progress of the sale. He negotiated an incredible contract that places a minimum of stress on me. I am truly impressed with the quality of his work.
Denise George
Sterling, VA